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James Drury

  • My name is James Drury
  • I’m from Essex, England
  • Since graduating with a degree in International Relations, I have been travelling for the past few months, starting in Southeast Asia. I have since moved to Flagstaff, Arizona with my partner and we will be travelling the United States until the new year.
  • This is my first year on staff at Falling Creek
  • I’ll be teaching backpacking and paddling
  • If I hosted a late nigh talk show, my first guest would be Toussaint Louverture, the father of Haiti. A man born into slavery who led his country and people on the path to freedom. He lived a life worthy of legend and more people should know his name.
  • If i could live anyhwere in the world for a year I would move to Pakistan. My mother is from Pakistan and I have never been. It has always been my dream to go and explore its vast mountains and ancient cities. Living there would allow me to absorb the culture and learn Urdu! (the language)
  • My favorite way to get in some exercise? There is no full-body workout quite like a whole day outside working in the garden!
  • This coming summer, I look forward to learning all about the Carolinas! An area of the United States I have yet to explore!